Monday, July 15, 2019

Update, I'm back!

Where do I even start?  Well I have decided to change the name of this blog back to KIMagination.  The main reason being that when I did art shows, and my sign read October Cat Studios, people thought I only sold cat stuff.  And while I do love and adore cats, I have never limited myself to one subject.

The last time I posted I had briefly mentioned that my husband and I bought a house.  As of June first we have lived in it a year and not only do my husband and I love it but our boys do as well.

In April my mom had hip replacement surgery so I flew up to WI to help my dad take care of her for two weeks and it was nice to see them again and to know what a big help I was.  They moved a year and a half ago to Wisconsin from my childhood home in Virginia.  I've had a hard time dealing with their move as I've always been close to them.  My mom's new hip is doing great though!

When I got home from WI I started looking for a job.  I have been a stay at home mom for 3 years but our boys are becoming more self sufficient and we have a house note to pay!  Within a week I had a new job! I am now working at a preschool with the two year olds (pray for me!)  "rejuvenating place" of art.  I haven't wanted to sew or quilt or paint or draw or anything for about six months now.  It seems like after the NN Fall Festival (my last post) art no longer brought me joy.  I have done a few projects here and there but I am now trying for get my creative mojo back to relieve the stress from working with 2 year olds.

Over the next few posts I'm going to be catching you all up on what I have done this past year AND what I'm working on now.

Thanks for sticking with me!

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