Thursday, January 22, 2015


My very first hobby was photography.  I still really like to take pictures but I also like to sew, knit, quilt, paint, etc.  This year I've decided to get back into photography.  There are thousands of prompts on Pinterest to get me started but I found one that very much appealed to me and had her website printed on one of the lists.  Her name is Chantelle and she lives in Australia.  Her website is Fat Mum Slim if you'd like to check it out.
This is what the first week's list looked like:
This was the second week's list:
And my photos for these prompts:
This is week 3:
And my photos for these prompts (not in order of the list):
I am a little behind on the fourth week but I'll catch up tomorrow.  This has been so much fun.  I hope that I can keep up with it all year.  It is allowing me to be creative in my picture taking and not be focused on one thing.  It is challenging me to look more closely at things and what is my interpretation of certain words like "bright".

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